Subscriptions of t53662
Subscribed to t53662
t53662 is subscribed to 20 Sporecasts
By LordVarmint
01/31/2009 - 12:34:16
Showcase your best Aliens Universe creations here. Handover originally from Virakotxa
Rating: 36
Tags: [fan, hr_giger, aliens, predator, lv426, sigourney_weaver, stan_winston, weyland-yutani, xenomorph, 20th_century_fox, alien]

By arastoph
09/29/2008 - 22:33:47
My 7 spore creations designed specially to personify the 7 Deadly Sins
Rating: 12

By Orion1004
12/15/2009 - 18:32:28
Team Bah Humbug: Captain Tuinahvuni, Artist Tars Tarkas, Collector Orion1004.
Rating: 56
Tags: [a spore christmas carol, tars tarkas, orion1004, tuinahvuni, mcholidaychallenge, sporeholidaycontest09, team: the bah humbugs]

By AntiMatterStar
11/25/2009 - 15:29:05
A sporecast of my sereies of intergalactic warfare adventures
Rating: 1
Tags: [adventure series, destroyed, series, tallion, reactor, tallyxar, warfare, curego, combat, alien]