I love Galactic Adventures, especially in Chinese
User registered: 06/17/2008 - 18:37:00
Subscriptions of ldream
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ldream is subscribed to 11 Sporecasts
By Kaidian
11/15/2010 - 14:14:30
This Featured Sporecast consists of Cool Structures found on Sporepedia. Please rate up! =)
Rating: 494
Tags: [featured, castle, spice, dwelling, hall, office, lab, building, amazing, realistic, complex, empire, landmark, citadel, tower, barracks, superb, fabrication, workshop, mall, town center, epic, community, manufacture, plant, unique, nexus, colony, pod, entertainment, housing, production, best, industry, house, alien, settlement, observatory, refinery, feature, spire, design, city hall, architecture, factory, set, cool, abode, compound, great, structure, awesome, kaidian, temple, facility, apartment, gateway, outpost, territory]

By tuinahvuni
09/18/2009 - 00:09:23
Thanks to all who have enjoyed the Dreamscape.
Rating: 107
Tags: [fountain, mountains, bizarre, kkelly87, mcsurrealchallenge, box, dreams, lordofdestiny, tuinahvuni, building, jomeaga, rocks, joanmiro, portal, unusual, aapburger, park, tower, surreal, bench, chair, streams, set: dreamscape, water, room, adventure, gaprop, zevais, jewels, granite25, galactic, talisman, tunnel]

By tuinahvuni
09/27/2009 - 21:30:24
An incredible collection of creations made by my friends
Rating: 19
Tags: [aurumpario, snuitergup, world_piece, beta_psi, tuinahvuni, dalmatious, jesidani, reyes1, shibby1313, nekomon, kreaturnator, lazyone0615, seashell77, rockstarr411, oscardalek, miss_kaj, unit1alpha, foreverpiping, sakiara, moppr, friends, n10god, johasbun, ursidae, jaramat, elvish_maiden, tnt-productions, zevais, candiv, lazywnch, bear90, shrimpo, staruniter, maxiscactus, havelokmartini, lumpyice, orion1004, opaldreamer, cute, frog4321, omgravy, warriorvp, 96nicky, fetzzz, moejoe18, norwegianshyguy, sharnasanveech, trippy72, musky_bui, bellablim, joanmiro, vultrio, tygerlim, krakenmk, antiangel, hilight, mochigaga4, fingawing, delayedreaction, 2qi59y, nitrocroc, ezrie, badh0rse, rehanlarc, dennin77, goatface]

By Zinxio
05/23/2009 - 03:30:16
Building parts and props for Galactic Adventures!
Rating: 3
Tags: [maxis, set, castle, andeavor, spore, building, dungeon, gaprops, squad, zinxio, alpha, prop, r+, ga, spode, galactic, adventures]