User profile: gieusrog

I want galactic adventures!

User registered: 04/04/2009 - 07:48:00

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Subscriptions of gieusrog


Subscribed to gieusrog



gieusrog is subscribed to 14 Sporecasts

By Kurvz
06/06/2009 - 23:14:44

Dinosaur collection

Rating: 49
Tags: [t-rex, dinosaur, brachiosaurus, triceratops, stegosaurus]

1105 Subscriptions
207 Creations filed

By ObewanGore
03/21/2009 - 21:40:54

A large assortment of creations that are in the video games Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo Wars.

Rating: 26
Tags: [obewangore, halo wars, halo, halo 3, halo 2]

710 Subscriptions
85 Creations filed

By SniperMonkey
11/20/2008 - 09:00:37

All of my creations related to Halo.

Rating: 25

285 Subscriptions
11 Creations filed

By Ryuujin
06/21/2009 - 15:33:11

A sporecast for those who want my creatures but none of the biomecha or "joke" creations

Rating: 13
Tags: [ryuujin, realistic, creatures, sensible]

519 Subscriptions
23 Creations filed

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