A Pirate's Spore for me.
User registered: 09/20/2008 - 03:52:00
Subscriptions of PirateNori
Subscribed to PirateNori
PirateNori is subscribed to 20 Sporecasts
By AzruPL
09/10/2008 - 23:16:06
Azru's Animals, Automobiles, Aeroplanes a Architecture is a huge collection of Spore's best. Enjoy.
Rating: 0.88
Tags: [vehicles animals, aeroplanes, favourites, creatures, automobiles, space]

By AzruPL
09/10/2008 - 23:16:41
Some of the best and funniest fruits and vegies I could find. :) Check out my other sporecasts!
Rating: 1
Tags: [azru, vegies, fruit, lol, vegetables, funny]

By KosMos18
09/13/2008 - 03:30:02
strange creatures
Rating: 0

By clever_name81
01/24/2009 - 01:34:33
we're gonna roll through your planet and drink all your beer and smash all your buildings!
Rating: 9