This game is great for being randomly bored.
User registered: 06/14/2008 - 16:40:00
Subscriptions of MisterBibs
Subscribed to MisterBibs
MisterBibs is subscribed to 4 Sporecasts
By Freshbreathftw
09/15/2008 - 12:33:27
a collection of magic the gathering inspired spore creatures
Rating: 0
By eleazzaar
04/25/2009 - 03:12:50
Well-crafted creatures with an un-earthly, non-human but believable appearance. Mostly original
Rating: 775
Tags: [original, realistic, eleazar, gamingsteve, xenobiology, plausible, alien, creature, exobiology]
By Pentadact
09/17/2008 - 13:16:54
Back from the dead. Thanks for fixing it, Maxis.
Rating: 2703
By Pink Mist
02/19/2009 - 04:28:39
A collection of Half Life 1 and 2 aliens, including a few that never made it into the game!
Rating: 3
Tags: [game, half, hl, enemy, video, valve, alien, life]