I am not a racist, I hate everyone equally.
User registered: 04/26/2017 - 00:07:00
Subscriptions of ElizaParker2003
Subscribed to ElizaParker2003
ElizaParker2003 is subscribed to 9 Sporecasts
By CrystalDragoness
11/05/2015 - 23:04:22
This is the sporecast containing the third part of "A New Age". (Update: The series is complete!)
Rating: 5
Tags: [a new age, wrath of the raven, crystaldragoness]

By Alienologist
04/14/2017 - 19:31:16
The homeworld of the Clorakaas. (pretty much all for one of shawc's upcoming adventures)
Rating: 1
Tags: [moon, snow, sci-fi, cold, ice, alien, icy]

By CrystalDragoness
06/08/2016 - 04:34:35
A sporecast containing all 20 episodes to Dark Sands: Greyzone. (UPDATE: The season is complete!)
Rating: 6
Tags: [greyzone, dark sands, crystaldragoness, season 1]

By Eeveeminecraft
01/15/2017 - 04:11:07
Dragolandic Valley Two in all its glory, from start to end. Series length: over 70 parts.
Rating: 5
Tags: [exploration, dragolandic valley, open-captain, dragolandic valley two, dragons, epic quest]