Subscriptions of Ditonites
Subscribed to Ditonites
Ditonites is subscribed to 10 Sporecasts
By hpatx
02/22/2009 - 15:03:02
Aquatic and amphibian inspired creatures, vehicles and buildings they use to exist and progress.
Rating: 12
Tags: [hpatx, creatures, amphibian, aquatic]

By lizardz6
07/15/2010 - 20:50:15
My favorite aquatic creature of each day! Only 1 a day though!
Rating: 2
Tags: [cool, lizardz6, aquatic, day, creature, sporecast]

By Kaidian
11/15/2010 - 14:14:07
This Sporecast consists of Cool Spacecrafts found on Sporepedia. Please rate up! =)
Rating: 348
Tags: [capital, featured, battleship, rocket, spice, ion, cruiser, amazing, spacecraft, realistic, vessel, stealth, recon, antimatter, hyper, cosmic, exploration, warship, superb, propulsion, ramjet, epic, interplanetary, fusion, astro, light, deep space, slip-stream, intergalactic, tachyon, drive, warp, pod, best, interceptor, destroyer, alien, voyager, feature, frigate, sleek, station, singularity, satellite, ftl, nuclear pulse, cool, flagship, faster-than-light, transport, great, probe, solar wind, spaceship, awesome, kaidian, starship, beamed, plasma, travel, battlestar, scout]

By icebolt
05/18/2010 - 21:21:20
Rating: 2