User profile: Descardion

Novus Ordo Seclorum!

User registered: 09/13/2008 - 22:12:00

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Descardion is subscribed to 8 Sporecasts

By Flash-Hack
05/03/2009 - 17:39:23

Welcome! I'll upload my creatures, all of them original an alien look-like. Hope you enjoy them!

Rating: 1
Tags: [alienigenas, four legs, criatura, green, creatures, cool, yellow, verde, brown, alien, amarillo, two legs, white, criaturas, blanco, three legs, creature, marron]

4 Subscriptions
21 Creations filed

By TinyBits
09/14/2008 - 23:49:15

I think it's obvious what this 'cast is of. :) Featuring various creators.

Rating: 4
Tags: [alien various]

11 Subscriptions
55 Creations filed

By Excalibor
06/26/2009 - 05:19:44

Some of the best Creatures out there! Updated Regularly!

Rating: 9
Tags: [awesome, creatures, excalibor, best]

101 Subscriptions
318 Creations filed

By MaxisCactus
07/02/2010 - 01:16:13

Some of my favorite artists for creating interesting creature shapes

Rating: 54
Tags: [cecil_090 copperlou]

1101 Subscriptions
119 Creations filed

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