Ball Chair
Not rated

By Derezzed
10/23/2022 - 18:09:15

Type: House building
Rating: 0.79 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop


Made for fun while experimenting with different shapes and techniques.
Come join us at GAC, a Spore Discord server based around adventure creation and sharing! https://discord.gg/7zmvrFU



Extensive use of basic shapes with the arch/circular technique. A simple premise that belies an unexpectedly intricate design. As with most of these, the alignment is very precise.

By Wonny3SW

Fantastic work R+

By Gonzalo218

Nice to see a familiar face. Oh, and nice work on the chair. It's very cleanly crafted and looks like it would be great to sit in!

By sefmonsta

V cool!

By jude90245

Lovely. Reminds of Portal..

By Mavor

Fantastic build.


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