T41D Centurion

By Will4Life5
06/18/2022 - 01:55:00

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: cannon, coaxial machine gun, hca, mbt, mobile, nerailyte, repaint, tank, turret, wheeled, will4life5


A later Centurion design (I repainted it and fixed the stats lol) that overhauled the hull for better protection statistics. The gun was kept but ammunition has greatly improved. In addition, an AI socket hardpoint was removed for better ergonomics


By Will4Life5

Thank you for the comment! I noticed that many vehicles irl are colored in large blocks, so I tried to reflect that here

By Gonzalo218

Thank you! Nice work on the tank too, the paint is interesting and unique, and the wheels are nicely proportioned


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