Mod MPE-18 ''Snapper''
Not rated

By noname117
07/01/2021 - 02:09:28

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.2 (Not rated)
Tags: noname117, race, racer, racing, spaceship, sporechives26


"Snapper" is a modified MPE-18 starfighter flown in the Epsilon Grand Prix. Being a demilitarized starfighter, the craft has good overall speed and handling, but doesn't exceed in either aspect.


By Lawr250

Your builds is really AWESOME! You can make museum adventure with your builds)

By RG4327

That is a neat entry, it's so well detailed! Rplus

By Pingtam

This looks super real, I rate it +++++

By Gonzalo218

Well done, very strong first entry!

By Negative16

Amazing racing ship! it's kinda cool how it looks like it's branded by some company like any other racing vehicle, R !


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