Kingston Oil Refinery A1
Not rated

By Chimeratech
04/20/2021 - 15:15:38

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.7 (Not rated)
Tags: chimeratech, corporate, corporation, industrial, industry, kingston industries, oil rig, refineries, refinery, set:kingston


Kingston Industries have been well-known for defending their oil refineries with all their military might as well as conquering rival ones, most notably their nemesis, the Quadra-Tech Corporation.


By 6Kirby7

daaaaaang. R

By R13426

Do you take requests? Lol I?m frequently disappointed whenever I see some fascinating piece of real world architecture, look it up on Spore and there?s often nothing :P

By Evaristus99

Thank you my friend, this creation shows how detailed you are.


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