By SAM200312/15/2019 - 01:11:16
Type: No genre adventureRating: -1 (Not rated)
By Lordomi both creatures look fine, without any giant parts
By Lordomi both blue gate creatures got a red overlay until i hover over them in the menu
By Lordomi one gate looks like a giant cell, the other like a hatted creature. the player is a backup singer
By Lordomi All tabs are empty other than Gameplay Objects and Cast in Use, which both contain 2 'blue gates'
By Lordomi It says that the adventure contains parts I dont have and that they will be replaced, then sends me back to select an adventure infinitely. Did you manage to upload an adventure with modded parts or something?
By SAM2003 test
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By Lordomi
both creatures look fine, without any giant parts
By Lordomi
both blue gate creatures got a red overlay until i hover over them in the menu
By Lordomi
one gate looks like a giant cell, the other like a hatted creature. the player is a backup singer
By Lordomi
All tabs are empty other than Gameplay Objects and Cast in Use, which both contain 2 'blue gates'
By Lordomi
It says that the adventure contains parts I dont have and that they will be replaced, then sends me back to select an adventure infinitely. Did you manage to upload an adventure with modded parts or something?
By SAM2003