TISB-87 Goshawk
Not rated
By dounttron
05/08/2018 - 20:31:11
Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 1.09 (Not rated)
Tags: builtbydounttron
Tactical Interdictor/Strike Bomber. The Goshawk is built for lightning-fast tactical bombing runs and attacks on low-level strategic targets. Fast, hard hitting and relatively evasive, it's capable of doing some serious damage when nobody's expecting it...
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By happy_lion
Really like your Su-24-esque plane! R
By SolarSailor
Whoa, your jets are getting more realistic o_o R+. Construction of the nose is especially nice.
By OwlBoy67
Ohhhh. OK. should've figured. :/
By dounttron
The wings are designed like that. The idea is that you can sweep the wings back at high speeds to reduce drag, and then sweep them forward again at lower speeds for better performance.
By OwlBoy67
Love the cockpit. wings look a little flimsy though.
By midnight1999
Man that's one helluva jet. Still need to check it out in game but from the png alone it still looks pretty kickass. For now take my r8 m8.
By MrCat123
congrats btw
By MrCat123
53 minutes is all it takes to get the most popular new for dounttron.
By dounttron
Should we send a fighter or a bomber? "Yes."