ITAS-152 Ballista
Not rated
By dounttron
04/20/2018 - 03:22:39
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.41 (Not rated)
Tags: builtbydounttron
Integrated Truck Artillery System. Effectively just a big truck with a howitzer on it, the Ballista delivers deadly, long-range indirect fire while retaining excellent mobility. Not terribly defendable, but it's perfect for continuous hit-and-run barrages.
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By Syosset
Honestly, truck artillery never ceases to look badass R+
By Hellhole1026
Nice gun, and really gritty/realistic feel to this, great work R+
By julius2401
Good job
By CreeperReign
One word: Noice.
By Recycled77
Damnnnnnnnnnnnn Nice job :D :D
By PoliceOfficer07
I love two things about this vehicle, first: The rear half of the main body. The parts are well chosen, and second: The Howitzer. You made it simple but because it fits with the colouring, you get a decent looking weapon, so good job!
By GrOuNd_ZeRo_7777
Makes me wish Spore had a more elaborate RTS element...
By Xefadoma
Cool details around the Howitzer and for the vehicle in general. Haven't thought of using spoilers like that.
By meankryll
Well done! Fantastic work once again, R+
By Gonzalo218
Awesome new artillery! Ready to blow up some bases now!
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