Not rated

By rexarkingdino
02/09/2018 - 04:05:18
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Gimme some ideas on stuff to make with Dark Injection.
Contact us at

By rexarkingdino
02/09/2018 - 04:05:18
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Gimme some ideas on stuff to make with Dark Injection.
By cosmo_wolf
Oh, and FYI only creatures with DI parts can't be shared.
By cosmo_wolf
Dark Injections is awesome!
By cosmo_wolf
Do you think you could recreate my Skiddler creature in your style? I think that'd be interesting.
By B3ckiib00
Hello, my old friend! It's been a while since we last spoke~ ^u^
Sadly, I'm not using my Spore account anymore. But if you want to stay in touch, I have Discord! Just thought I'd let ya know. ^^
By yellhound
Can't say I'm familiar with the mod..
By gtm00
I don't know
By gtm00
By SlappingMachine9
Anatomically accurate T-Rex maybe? (I already made a Dakotaraptor with dark injection, I did also make a rex, but the save file got corrupted)