RTGS-25 Garuda
Not rated
By dounttron
01/25/2018 - 03:48:59
Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.3 (Not rated)
Tags: builtbydounttron
Rapid Tactical Ground Striker. The RTGS-25 is made for when you're strapped for time, faced with anti-air fire and still need to shower your enemies in explosions with a series of nightmarish strafing runs. Great for close air support or making big messes.
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By Camelrook
Oh lordy its the frogfoot
By Redman9994
This looks terrifying! In a good way though. That's a lot of guns and I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of it.
By Mavor
Very well made weapons delivery system.
By republiccommando
Sick ride!
By midnight1999
Just too a look in game. This is sick as hell. I love how its absolutely loaded with weapons. Much shooty very death. R++
By Gonzalo218
All my favorite creators are active for some reason! This is great! Rplus!!!
By meankryll
My deep thanks for your comment! Nice to see you once more! Have a R+ for dis seagull
By GalacticDolphin
Nice seagull. R+
By dounttron
Imagine a seagull attacking you for your french fries. Now imagine the seagull can fire rockets. Now imagine shooting the seagull with a rifle and barely wounding it. Now imagine that except much bigger and jet powered. Do you see the problem now?