~Request list 2~
Not rated

By shunkerbelle
02/13/2017 - 18:44:38

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: anything, comment, may do eggs..., maybe give me something i haven't done before, requests


Just resharing it so i have a fresh list. you can request anything you like but i cannot guarantee i'll do all of them. you can ask for complex creations because i do want to get better at creating :)


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By fatmartyn666

How about Talking Tom? You know, the cat from that very funny app? Speaking of which, I also have a toy of him!

By EmeraldCruncher

Sorry for the late reply, but yeah, I still want an egg, if you have time. If you were wondering why this was so late, it's because my computer broke. Yeah, it really sucked to lose all my unshared creations and my computer's files.

By Anamatrox

A feather with wings.

By LuckyCloverDuck

Also they need to be spaceships or buildings just because I'm picky.

By LuckyCloverDuck

Make an evil-looking version of Lucky or Cornelius (both mascots of mine). I'd prefer Lucky but either will do ^-^

By fatmartyn666

Also check out my Sun and Moon creations when you have time to!

By fatmartyn666

How about a Shiny Grubbin?

By klaracbarack

If you have time please hatch my egg that you made in summer. :)

By DragonVale2133

maybe the Titanic?

By Starcutter

IDK, mabe make a cringey but amazing adventure?maybe a sequel to one night at shunky's? a derpsie leng?

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