Kecksburg Object
Not rated

By BrokenEyeReborn
06/17/2016 - 03:27:34

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: conspiracy theory, folklore, gaprop, kecksburg ufo incedent, ufology, unexplained, unsolved


On December 9, 1965, at around 5pm, a brilliant fireball resembling a meteorite entry was sighted (and heard) careening through the skies over Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, plus three other states (not specified in my source material, and I suck at geography so I can't really extrapolate their identities from the trajectory) and Ontario at supersonic speeds, raining molten metal debris down on parts of the wilderness below and starting several small brushfires. The next day, a boy saw "blue smoke" arising from the woods outside of Kecksburg Pennsylvania and his mother alerted the authorities. Before anyone knew what was happening, a large US Army detachment arrived and began searching part of the woods, and subsequently roped off the area to await the arrival of "government and civilian scientists" (the field of study was not specified). They were later seen leaving with /something/ on the back of a flatbed truck, but reported having found "absolutely nothing".

Though local civilian authorities including police and fire departments were involved in the search, and nothing about the search was classified as secret, this is all anyone knows for sure.

One of the firefighters reported finding an "acorn shaped" object "the size of a VW bug" with markings "resembling Egyptian hieroglyphs" along the base, but nobody else could remember having seen anything like that.

An editor from a local newspaper received some photos by a reporter he'd sent to the scene to investigate, one of which reportedly contained the vague form of a "cone shaped" object, although the reporter in question doesn't claim to have actually seen such an object, and doesn't even know how close to the search site he was at the time he took the pictures (it was the middle of the woods, at night, his confusion is understandable). The reporter /does/ say he was harassed by Men in Black who confiscated his film, though this raises the question of who exactly sent those pictures to his editor.

This was the height of the Cold War, so the military search seems a bit less spooky as it might initially sound, as the government in those days was very keen on collecting crashed objects from the sky on the off-chance that they might be Soviet spy satellites, which is likely what they /expected/ to find. But in the years since, there has been positive confirmation from NASA and related agencies that no Soviet satellite could have possibly crashed there, so what the government /actually found/, if anything, is a mystery for the ages.

The official assumption is that it was a meteor, and predictably, the conspiracy crowd believe that it was in fact an alien spaceship (or possibly the apocryphal Nazi superweapon known only as "Die Glocke"). Nobody knows for sure if the object allegedly found in the woods even exists, but from the description, there's absolutely no way in heaven and earth that it is ANY of those things. Honestly, I can't think of ANYTHING it might be, real or otherwise. At least, nothing that has any business falling out of the sky. For once, I have no theories. I don't even have any fancies, apart from perhaps something Lovecraftianly unfathomable, and I'm forced to conclude that it is a UFO in the purest sense: it's an object (possibly), it flew (probably), and I don't have a damn clue how to identify it.


By Cryptdidical

Very nice work on the hieroglyphs on the edge there, I'll add this one to my list of mysteries to read up upon. Awesome stuff.


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