The 2016 Update
By Fingawing
05/25/2016 - 15:36:17
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 2.5 (Good)
Tags: abstract, sculpture
'Sup. Titled as I seem to revisit this game about once a year (it's been just over a year since my last visit, too). I deleted a bunch of my old creations, over a hundred of them. I haven't touched GA stuff 'cause I don't have it installed on this laptop.
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By Jiminy8325
What have you been up to? Still gaming?
By Jiminy8325
Hey, just saw that you left that comment on my last creation. Wasn't expecting anything so never bothered checking. TY.
By Fingawing
idk how many more days i'll be around, but if any of y'all old flames happen to be knockin' around here, leave a comment. it'd be great to catch up :)