~Platinum Trophy for a Badass~

Por 42ndDevistation
27/06/2015 - 17:58:22
Tipo: Edificio de ocio
Puntuación: 3 (Bueno)
Tags: 42nddevistation, platinum trophy, win for the rubber duckies
Me: After much excitement and many people joining this totally badass contest, I've decided to get our contestants motivated! *Bleep* THE RULES!!!!! I can show my badass contestants with rubber duckies trophies all day! WIN FOR THE DUCKIES!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!
Contáctanos en

Por properhealth
sorry i havent gotten around to sharing my dragon yet. been at college orientation c: will work on it more though. just because i havent entered anything doesnt mean i've given up yet!
Por 42ndDevistation
But no touchy touchy till my girlfriend and I announce the winners of this years contest! F) For now...gawk and drool as you please. ;)
Por 42ndDevistation
Win first prize and you win this magnificent stainless platinum trophy to impress your duck loving friends! FD This is 42 signing off! Good *bleep*ing luck you lucksucka!
Por 42ndDevistation
I'll be sharing the other three trophies to get you all hyped and *bleep*ing motivated for the 1st prize! BLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!