Simple Sign
Not rated

By Loonquawl
01/24/2015 - 00:46:19
Type: House building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, loonquawl
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By Loonquawl
01/24/2015 - 00:46:19
Type: House building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, loonquawl
By Sharples65
EA, like it or not probably only keeps the servers up because of the ad-revenue they get from Sporepedia and the fact that people still buy Spore. Just because it looks abandoned doesn't mean people aren't going to buy it.
By Sharples65
There was a time I thought their support was bad, but after seeing it for myself, its one of the best, not many big companies even offer a live chat.
By Sharples65
Most of the people at EA have tried to do what they could for me and I respect them for that, its the higher ones I dont respect because they're the ones who can fix it, not the support. They can only offer support on the knowledge that they know.
By Sharples65
EA support hasen't really be terrible for me at all, there are much worse companies out there with support, take Valve for example, who only has automated replies and very little response due to their lack of staff (which is their problem).
By yuvalynn
Slenderman sign!!
By yuvalynn
Everybody RUn for ur lifes!!
By yuvalynn
By puma7372
Could you enter my contest please? You have a dab hand with creating precise works of Sporian art :P