Five nights at katrinas private
Not rated

By Moshpet
11/20/2014 - 23:32:27
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: five nights at freddies, gaprop
For me and dakirru onlyyy.
Setting: Katrina furkitten's pizzeria
Since starflight found out trek has THREE girlfriends she decided to have a little revenge but trek doesnt know it.
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By Dakiiru
Trek: yah I have no Idea what's going on
By Moshpet
Starflight: IF i left the door open necro would get in and make alot of frickin noise that would attract all the animatronics. I do feel bad for him though no one goes to his show anymore..
By Dakiiru
(Back, again) Trek: What? Why are you doing that?!
By Dakiiru
(Sorry, it's a bit of a hiatus)
By Moshpet
Starflight: *Hears a little crying and quickly shuts the left door then there is ALOT of banging and checks the light then opens the door*
By Moshpet
Starflight: That was freece by the way...her uh well roboctic stuff kinda messed up and now she always has grudges against the security guards.
By Moshpet
Starflight: *Turns it back on and the animatronic is no longer there and opens the door*
By Dakiiru
Trek: wait, is someone else here? Turn that light back on
By Dakiiru
(Yay back) Trek: Oh star... You don't do this
By Moshpet
Starflight: I said 5 nights but i guess you only heard me say one night..
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