Eye of Combustion
Not rated

By ShadowRaptor101
10/09/2014 - 01:43:58
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)
Tags: avatar, combustion, fire, korra, legend, nation, of, shadowraptor101
(#04 MPN /10/9/14/)
This incredibly powerful genetic mutation of Firebending is thought to originate from crossbreeding Air Nomad and Fire Nation heredity. It is just as dangerous to the user as it is to the user's targets; Don't lose your head!
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By TheDangerhouse
Wow, really co-AH, FIRE!
By ScorpGrox
Simple yet awesome
By OverlordDystroy
sparky, sparky boom man (or somthin')
By DinoRevolver
By marcfyre
Why has nobody mentioned Combustion Man yet? It's all just P'li, P'li...
By HRmatthew
in the fight scene at the air temple P'Li firing from the airship reminded me of an AC-130
By ShadowRaptor101
@Sean10M: May she rest in peace. She was one of my favorite villains ever... ;~;
By Sean10M
Like P'Li. With a little mettle bending from Suyin she ended up blasting her face off. It was epic. Nice work Shadow.