Black Fortress-Vestige

By Scorpio314
08/19/2014 - 06:40:05

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 7.5 (Good)
Tags: armor, blackfortress, set:chp, tank, vestige


The third and final class of Black Fortress, the Vestige cannon is an immensely powerful anti-tank weapon. Firing six shots in succession, it excels at wearing down and breaking strong HVI barriers.


By HRmatthew

Where is that creation you shared recently?

By sweatsock27

WOAAH Badasss!!

By Dark-Sajuuk

Pretty cool tank!

By nuke21

Very nice creation. R+

By exxon

I like the rotary gun design. It looks quite powerful!

By HRmatthew

That's one giant gatling gun.


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