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By Alyem
04/15/2014 - 12:10:50
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: template by alyem
He's from a video called The Legend of Sen. It's a Zelda corruption, so of course he looks like Link. Sen is a creature inside the corruption, and basically gives Link hell, because he teleports him into this land of darkness and some sort of grassland.
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By Alyem
And sometimes even disguises himself as a purple cloacked figure with white eyes and brown hair. Sometimes that doesn't work and half of his body is replaced with a black square with the word "sen" under it.
By Alyem
He messess with your/Link's head and sends messages like "FIND SEN", "FOLLOW ME" and "A->"
By Alyem
Sure, he may look like a derp but HE'LL KILL YOU~