Ataraxis Highrise
Not rated
By dounttron
12/13/2013 - 00:25:33
Type: House building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: builtbydounttron
Ataraxis Highrises promise to bring peace and tranquility with large, spacious living areas, comfortable accommodations and spectacular decor. What that actually means is that it's exactly like every other high-end apartment since the dawn of civilization.
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By MythicalMist
Badass :)
By Beyore
I like these buildings, real natural looking structures. make more!
By mteunisse
Your highrises are beautifull!
By Misha26
By krcmar
A pleasent addition to any city R+
By Dexter1O1
Thanks for the comments! It makes me really happy to see amazing creators, (such as yourself) comment on my creations! By the way, I love your creations, and the last set of buildings you made look so sleek and modern. R
By Sythe_0102
Yeah, thats something I won't be able to pull off for a while. Terrible with paint since I can barely tell colour apart from another. Then don't get me started on coordinating them to look grand.
By Quickdraw6
Holy crap! I didn't realize how active this game still is! I thought it was dead! Hello everyone :D
By Jimmyx10
I appreciate your eye for architecture.
By dounttron
This is perhaps the happiest moment of my Spore career. Or at least it would be if I wasn't bleeding right now.
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