ConnX Offices
Not rated

By dounttron
12/13/2013 - 00:25:28

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: builtbydounttron


ConnX is a major corporation that specializes in spice extraction and refinery, as well as engineering. The support of a ConnX office in a colony will allow for greater spice production and will also enable greater productivity in other industrial markets.


By Slarti-42

I'm sorry I haven't checked out your page before. You've got some chops. Nice.

By Alcoholocaust

Great work on the whole highrise style!

By elafunt

Yes! These ultra-modern coporate things are great! Make an adventure with these!

By exxon

Very nice looking set of buildings. They look very realistic!

By Monckat

Great job, I like how the industrial bits are peeking out of the skyscraper facade.

By HRmatthew

You should talk about how the 1% have their evil headquarters here, enjoying their air-conditioned white collar offices while economic inequality plagues the rest of the population.

By JamesV00

You know its a dark day when dounttron can't think of some way to kill off the inhabitants of his creations.

By dounttron

I have nothing witty to say about this one. That makes me sad..


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