Epicenter Hotel
Not rated
By dounttron
12/13/2013 - 00:25:22
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: builtbydounttron
It's like compressing Tiajuana, Las Vegas and Dubai into a single building! It's got shopping, live shows, gambling, pools, liquor, parties, flashy lights, fine dining, fireworks, you name it! All in a safe and relatively mugger-free area!
Contact us at
By TheKatsos
I mean, the scale is damned good! R+
By MythicalMist
Awesome work.
By Sean10M
Nice work a very well made hotel, it looks simle yet complex at the same time and has an interesting colour scheme. What relatively mugger free, and what do you mean by "Kidney theft"! O-o
By Dexter1O1
Dude, thanks for all your support! It's great to see someone like you taking an interest in my creations!
By Monckat
Nicely made skyscraper, I like the curved sides and the spire!
By JamesV00
Amazing work, but the description sells it. You sound like a awkward cross between a mafia leader and a con man. I love it.
By dounttron
Kidney theft is still an issue though, so be careful.