The Protest (READ!)
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By Laurel68
07/12/2013 - 10:32:28

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.25 (Not rated)
Tags: 5 years ago, chelsinator, cookieprincess, depression, dialga9408, laurel68


(That's what I'm calling the huge fight against Dialga9408 and I from now on.)
Because I want all my old creations back, I was forced to see the already downloaded "Protests" against me when I was only 7. Comments for whole story!


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By aliasoleil

Are you still here? D:

By MinPinGirl

I didn't hate you during those times lol. I agree with Chels, dont look at the past, just look at where you are now. ^.^ I was 10 back then, and my heart broke when I saw how upset you were. I never did leave you haha. And about ser tabby... I was weirdXD

By Dialga9408

(Psst; I'm really sorry about this whole thing I was a massive noob back then just FYI. Also I have depression too so I really don't blame you and wow I feel like a huge butt right now haha.)

By T0mmy76

Currently I want to chop the head off everyone that was a b**tch to Laurel. There's no excuse to put someone through that s**t, no excuse AT ALL.

By aliasoleil


By LPS123

I'm sorry you had to go through all that stuff. If there anything i can do to make you feel better?

By Chelsinator

Perhaps you should just relax? |3; I mean, that all was the past. Besides, Dialga and I were REALLY stupid back then. We've all grown smarter since. So, Laurel, it's time to let that all go and we can start anew.

By T0mmy76

I thought I'm one of your best friends here, and I never hated you...

By Laurel68

[Start at the bottom!]

By Laurel68


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