Da Cluttered Mailbox
Not rated

By DarkSting
07/03/2013 - 23:27:25

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop


Pretty much for comments like:
"Can you join my clan?"
"I just wrote a story!!!11! Can you please go read it?"
"I made you a gift!!!11!"
etc. .D.


By xXTheWolfXx

Ok, I enabled Buddy Requests. Im on ANimal Jam right now. MULTITASKING :D

By xXTheWolfXx

DarkSting, Im gonna try and meet you on Animal jam :) What's your username?

By xXTheWolfXx

@FoxesForever: Yup.

By xXFoxesForeverXx

you were about to say monsters ink, werent you the wolf? :P

By xXTheWolfXx

Found another downrater: AdamNine

By xXTheWolfXx

Hey, I just saw a few people I dont know sub me. One of them was "IrkenWarrior". Could this be one of the mass downraters? I subed him back and he subbed ALOT of other people.

By xXTheWolfXx

Oh and also, I'm suprised it wasn't Randall from Monster's I- My clone: WE GET IT -.-"

By xXTheWolfXx

.3. Also, I searched "Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask" and looked in images.... I SAW RANDALL >:O


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