Enrich Hermannt
Not rated

By Kyorg
06/27/2013 - 00:50:56

Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)


Enrich Hermannt made his debut as a fighter ace in the Balkin conflict in Darsimia, And with over 100 kills already, he found himself overseas in Calidonia getting kill after kill after kill. he was given the best fighter plane vailable at the time. MIC


By krcmar

Nice work, the bodywork is excellent as always R^

By Kyorg

Based off of Erich Hartmann... He actually had that many kills. If I am not mistaken, He was the highest scoring Ace ever. Besides, I only make my major aces.

By _Cepholapoid_

The kills for this guy seem a bit too much. Some german aces managed to get that many, but nly because the Russians were woefully behind in fighter tech.

By AJD23

Nice paint scheme. R+.

By DH106

Nice tribute to Karaya-1. You did rather well on the characteristic nose paint. R+.

By SamRupert

Hopefully most of those aces weren't Balkin's Aces.

By Kyorg

At the end of the war, he had a whopping 350 kills, 35 of which were aces. He was never shot down, though he once got captured for a time. He died of old age in 1993. He was more popular than Afigar Nan.

By Kyorg

He was the best pilot for a very long time. At one point in his career the Darsimian government tried to take him out of the skies, worrying that he would be shot down, and their national icon, with over 250 kills at that point, would be killed.


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