Pic - Breaking Through
Not rated

By 5Stramlor31
04/09/2013 - 17:37:53

Type: Template adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: cepholapoid, flag, gaprop, pic war, pic wariii, picture, picwar, picwariii, picwarvi, war, york


Mercenary forces move to defend the Allied invasion force and enter the city. Soon, reinforcements arrive from the Federation of Zserchuovnya, as well as the Echionan Empire.



By SamRupert

Athenkan Admiral- Do Not Attack, let them make the first move.

By 5Stramlor31

Zserchuovnian LaGG-3 Pilot 1: Where the Allies go, we go.

By 5Stramlor31

Hl'k-30 Pilot 1: Affirmative!

By Kyorg

Thanks for the support. These Zserchuovnyans and Echonians will help us greatly.


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