Not rated

By Blorcs
03/20/2013 - 14:52:44
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Tags: gun, kaleon, mech, quick, roktan, sword
The Roktan armys most powerful war machine, the fastest mech in the galaxy with enough firepower to take on divisions of well equipped infantry and vehicles. (My first mech so I borrowed a base, but most of it is mine)
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By Kaleon
It's not really stealing if the original was shared on an open-source database like Spore.
By Blorcs
Oh, sorry If anyone is angry I 'stole' this, I just wanted to try a mech, it also looks different to the original so I don't really mind
By curius
Well, actually I have been looking my account semi-actively all the time. I've just been very occupied and trying out more sophisticated 3d appliances. I'll try to comment on some creations and make something new soon, if I find the time.