Exterminator Entryway (Closed)
Not rated
03/03/2013 - 03:57:41
Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, the void, vegbug1
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03/03/2013 - 03:57:41
Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, the void, vegbug1
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By Dinosauraptor900
Xutori is the main planet and Xerem's home.
By Dinosauraptor900
Their empire is owned and ruled by King Xerem the Great. Now, he sweeps the streets he used to own on his home planet. As Coldplay's Vida la Vida mentions.
By Dinosauraptor900
They have multi-empires in nearly every planet of Andromeda.
By Dinosauraptor900
Xytoria is THE largest empire in all of Andromeda. But even with mass strength of large numbers, they are very peaceful.
By Dinosauraptor900
Take a seat my friend, this is a long tale..
By Dinosauraptor900
Annoying? Ikr? When People force you to make stuff that's horrid. For my B-Day, just like Dodgson from Jurassic Park, "nobody cares."
By Dinosauraptor900
You know, I did that too. I said i had enough, so I gave him the grant that he can edit my creations but ONLY this once.
By Dinosauraptor900
Yeah, wouldn't want to piss 'em off..for The Void, I'm excited! :D
By Dinosauraptor900
Good ol' edmundpjc! You know his birthday passed the 25 of February. And mine is coming up on the 31st of March!
By Dinosauraptor900
Hey, do you even do requests? I heard they want something from you..
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