Gorn Hunter
Not rated


By Omni007
02/06/2013 - 04:17:03

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.88 (Not rated)
Tags: gorn, omni007, startrek


By Kahath

The Gorns are allied with the Klingons? Cooooooooolll...

By Omni007

I'll look around. Startrek online may also have some gorn structures but they are allied with the Klingon empire and its all very Klingon

By Kahath

I'm all for organic structures, but the ships don't reflect that.

By Kahath

but how will we know what buildings the gorn make?

By Omni007

That would be sweet

By Kahath

Make a whole set starbases and everything. Be a nice joint effort.

By Kahath

Maybe I should make a gorn...


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