By CloudyVision
01/10/2013 - 00:35:44
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Tags: announcement, cloudyvision, googledrive, organization, sas, spore, sporeafterspore
Dear members of the Spore community,We are currently in a time of steep decline. People are leaving every day, and we have dwindled to a pitiful handful of players. But these people haven?t left because they no longer wanted to be part of the community. They?ve left because they were bored with the game. How many of you out there are bored with Spore but would never want to leave your clubs, your groups, and your friends? There are many such people, torn between a desire to move on and a desire to keep all their friendships alive. This is the problem that gave rise to Spore After Spore.Spore After Spore is a multi-level group, the mother of all organizations. It isn?t a group of people, it?s a group of organizations. This is the Valhalla of Spore, the place for the people who fit into the niche described above. SAS employs the system known as Google Drive, which is essentially a combination of real-time chatting and Microsoft Word. All content is created by the users. SAS is based on a homepage created by CloudyVision, and from here the organization grows outward through the creation of new clubs and groups. SAS will also have a newspaper of sorts and a moderation system that actually works, unlike Spore?s. All in all, it is the perfect way to continue the Spore community.In order to join, you must make a gmail account. The email account must have your spore screenname, or if you wish, a new one. (Just make sure you tell everyone who you are.) We would prefer it if you didn?t use your real name. After you have an account, view the link at the bottom of this description. Read it in its entirety. If you wish to join, send an email to, and you will be given access to the page. From there, you are free to do as you like.Please upload this creation to show your support for SAS! Have fun creating, and may Spore 2 begin!
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By -v-odDiVerse-v-
Greetings from the odDiVerse. First let me be up front and say that I am in fact the odDballL of Spore. I once got myself so overwhelmed with Spore projects that I blanked out of Spore altogether. I'm back and just trying to enjoy creating again.
By sharpy63
I'm going to take you hate me. Oh well.
By sharpy63
Well which one is it?
By sharpy63
Because of my history and you still think I haven't changed or that SAS has quickly died and no one cares about it anymore?
By sharpy63
I'd like to join SporeAfterSpore.
By nickbionicle77
Or just make Spore 2 and start from scratch. Maybe use more ideas from the 2006 version and less ideas from this version. Just start fresh and put in everything that you wanted to in the beginning. Wright had a great idea and now all it is is garbage.
By nickbionicle77
It feels like Maxis used a delicatley fantastic idea of a game and used it as more of a get-back-up-on-our-feet-financially kind of video game. I would be ever so jubilous if it would go back to updating, maybe install the sea stage.
By nickbionicle77
Thank goodness someone really cares. I have no idea why Maxis would disregard such an amazing game (it would have been MORE amazing if we hed gotten the 2006 version, in my opinion at least).
By SpaceCaptainGage
Never mind, T.O.S.S sucks. But this is really cool. I'm sticking with my self now. But thanks for the offer.
By SpaceCaptainGage
I would rather join T.O.S.S than giving you my g-mail account. Are you trying to stalk me?
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