By wiljo
01/09/2013 - 23:23:13
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: absolution, biomechanical, cape, dat sixpack, emperor, godly, good, guardian, king, longest search list yet, machine, majestic, mech, organic, running out of things to put here, shiny, shiny metal ass, supernal acquittal, white, wiljo
(Now before you say anything, I know that I should have picked a pose, but all of the ones I thought of and tried didn't really look that good in the end. So i decided to keep him in a simple, strong and decisive pose. On another note, this creation is partly a tribute and a gift to Kaleon, DagronIrys and Impeous_Iron (who has sadly left the game). For the inspiration their mechs have given me.I was actually surprised how easy in the end making a decent head was, the REAL problem was making the feet... took me bloody two hours xD)---------------The being who sits inside of the flagship "Ascendant", silently gazes at the stars. He knows that eventually an all out war will break against the Ra'xatir, a conflict that he would rather avoid than fight in. But he must fight, or else the risk for losing many important lives would be too great.During the weeks, he has heavily upgraded and reinforced his biomechanical body. After all his only weakness is his corporeal form, he cannot manifest his ethereal form -which is the more powerful of the two- into a mortal realm. It would be far too dangerous for him, and for other beings as well. He spends more time in his quarters now, gazing at the stars while deeply thinking of a solution, though the best option would be to fight with everything he's got he wants to solve this peacefully.He has already asked for an audience with the Celestran Empress, though the answer will most likely be a formal "no". The chances for Absolution to reach any of the prime leaders of the close by species is horridly slim, he has to do something for the situation. Admitting that he is scared to contact the Corinthians and the Kamorrans, the factions could easily see him as a potential enemy. So he waits near a dying star cluster, sending a high frequency request for someone to board the ship in favor of a political solution to the situation.---------------

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By Skamm8002
good job looks stinkin strong the coloring is very good
By krcmar
Nice, reminds me of Descardion's mechs R
By DarkCookie666
i think it looks just fine without a pose - maybe better (poses sometimes end up looking wonky and the asymmetry could turn out to be the most frustrating thing in the world). Anyways, great creation!
By flumpytripod
cool R+
By Kahath
Wow I missed this up until now, great details with the wings. It makes it look very riegel.
By MD524
Very eye pleasing details and I like the description you placed for him. R+
By DagronIrys
I'd have to say, I think you've done very well already. Practice will lead to improvement.
By Kaleon
They know little of the Ra' other than having them filed as potentially hostile. But you are right, that would make them question Absolution's motives. Your call.
By Kaleon
If he did his reaearch on the two species, he would know that their relationship is stable despite third party sabotage attempts. For now. And his information is unrelated. What's the worry?
By Kaleon
Perhaps diplomacy would be smoother if he was more specific.
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