By wiljo
12/30/2012 - 01:55:54
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 12 (Good)
Tags: celestran, ceth'rii, common, cruiser, iminspace!, insectoid, large, ship, sleak(ish), transport, white, wiljo
The Ceth'rii class cruisers are one of the more commonly seen Celestran ships. They are often used in leading assaults or as simple means of transportation, usually of high ranked individuals or science teams.(Credits to Kaleon on the wing idea, though I think my recent messages may have had a frustrating effect. Sorry for that O_o)After a confrontation with a small Ra'xatir squadron, five Celestran vessels returned back to the fleet. The sixth however, had to escape due to holding scientifically precious cargo. After its short FTL jump the ship entered Kamorran space, waiting for an opportunity to exit the system. Eventually they found out that because of an uncalibrated jump, their main generator had overheated causing an emergency shutdown.In a few moments they sent a message to the fleet, which shortly after caused the Celestran Empress to send a personal message to the Kamorrans, pleading if the cruiser could land on their homeworld of their allies. The cruiser was carrying mostly different kinds of botanical samples, but in exchange for a temporary "home" the Empress promised the Kamorrans the luxury of claiming the cruiser and studying its tech.Another reason for the message was simple, the Empress decided it would be for the best if the Kamorrans could see what their new friends looked like, instead of putting their trust only on gifts and faceless messages.--------------------

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By Mushroomking1
Wow, awesome hull construction...original. R
By MadEyeJude
I like the hull shape of this cruiser, the view from above is cool. Great paint as well!
By Hilight
nicely made ship
By exxon
I very much like the "visual theme" you have come up with in this series of ships. What I mean is the white and gray paint, with a touch of aqua. Also, the rounded body with lots of small wings. Creative and intersting!
By krcmar
Great work here, I like the body, and details
By Kaleon
On that note I would love to review your new creations but Spore is for some reason not displaying anything downloaded after 12/23. Working on it.
By Kaleon
The Celestrans could certainly use a level 1 (the numbers 1-10 indicating a system's proximity to the homeworld) landing site if they could get that far. Ample opportunities for face-to-face diplomacy without stepping on political toes.
By Kaleon
The Kamorrans would deny permission to land on the homeworld. That would be like a random helicopter pilot asking permission to land on the White House.
By Kahath
Very good. The sleakness of the spacecraft makes it look very high-tech.
By Kaleon
Frustrating? Perhaps I wasn't clear, all I meant was that you need not ask permission to use a technique that you like on your own stuff. It's the internet, nobody owns that stuff.
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