Not rated

By ZeWqt
12/20/2012 - 11:38:41

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: alduin, fiction, galactic research centre, grc, kronos, planet, storms, venus-like, volcanic


Alduin (oui comme le dragon). Atmosphère très épaisse surtout composée d'Azote, de composés carbonés et de l'Acide Sulfurique.
Vents voilents et orages fulgurants fréquents. Forte activité volcanique. Présence de formes de vies dans son atmosphère moyenne.


By Darkani

une belle destination touristique x)


XD alduin lives there,lol

By puma7372

@Dinosauraptor900: The Romans were the first to officially name it, and they named it after the King God.

By puma7372

It was actually the x-shaped wall.

By Dinosauraptor900

Alduin? Why would a planet be named after an evil,demonic, legendary world-eating dragon? Then again, why is Jupiter named after a 'Roman god'?

By quentinle24

y a de la vie la dedans?! bah putin...

By ZeWqt

Yes, Alduin, just like the dragon.


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