Funky-Z (Zippy ap)
By Prototype00
10/11/2012 - 00:11:44
Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: action pose, choppa, chopper, gunship, helicopter, nice people return comments, poseable, prototype00, scout
the Zippy didn't turn out as well as I thought it would but oh well. I wanted to make a helicopter for a while, playing a bit of AirMech sort of made me do it lol. Anyway I'm not sure what to think about those guys that don't respond to comments.
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By Jaca109
lol I liked the Zippy. In my opinion, helicoptors arn't done enough on spore. I love the raft-like leg things(Can't think of name)
By Prototype00
god damn it. my post was to long. Still, at the end of the day its just a comment about something on the net and its not really something to get offended about.
By Prototype00
(continuing on from my description as for some reason I can't do the extended descriptions.) on one hand it seems a bit rude to not respond to a comment, unless its a stupid short one like (cool, epic, funky) or just plain annoying like (cool, please comme
By crzycreatr99
Ahaha that is epic. Love the pose and color hehe.