Asylum of the Daleks Collection
Not rated
By Ai-Dan2
09/06/2012 - 02:01:25
Type: Collect adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: ancient, asylum of the daleks, daleks, doctor who, insane, nano-cloud, season 7, steven moffat
A little collection for all of my Asylum of the Daleks creations.
Hope you like it.
I think I should do more creation collections like this.
Contact us at
By puma7372
it's the same series. i'm after the tardis one.
By puma7372
if you have time, please make something from dinosaurs on a spaceship.
By puma7372
because the dead dalek puppet was to high on complexity. It wouldn't even fit in yours!
By puma7372
you're dead to me.
By BrokenEyeReborn
I like the concept of having a creation collection adventure (and I might do a few myself), but the atmosphere needs a lot of work. With the way you've got it now, I might as well look at 'em in the editor.
By puma7372
please make more stuff 2day. maybe some alienology stuff. u said they might share in an adventure
By puma7372
nice, will play asap