Little squirrel
Not rated

By Ansje
08/11/2012 - 05:12:34

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: "chasing nuts" ansje, "just have fun with this crazy game"


Yeez folks: first of all, my apologies to you. Really, I wanted to leave the game and to stop commenting and right on that very moment EA sent me a TOS warning. Hilarious, that was the Spore achievement I didn't have yet! On top of that Slarti came back and shared masterpieces I really had to open the editors for to see all details. Deadly for my lack of motivation again LOL. Anyway, feels a bit like old artists coming back, time after time, but okay, I am old, so I do have an excuse :P Sharing something funny for you now and better don't ask me, if I am back or not, because I don't even know that myself. Better laugh about it and enjoy the editors, all of you :) As for the warning, really I have been able to comment all the time and instead of stopping me, it only made me talkative :P


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By Monckat

Haha, great how you made this in the vehicle editor! The poor little squirrel chases the nuts but can never quite reach them.

By warwolf47

oddly enough- though i am quite keen on wildlife- its the challange of trying to get even close to replicating them that i like LOL

By Ansje

@ techno605: yes indeed, quite relaxed to "simply" be ourselves isn't it, or to accept our friends the way they are :)

By techno605

Sometimes us oldies don't know if we're coming or going:) At least we're not one of them Lonely Old Man/Madam (LOM) out there pretending to be a kid on the interweb.... How creepy and sad!!!

By Nomadiksanz

Hey, if you saw the broken robot I did for the last mission. Look at what I did for my rover. It's his head on a mars-ish rover. version 2 is the best one.

By Jammo200

Thank you for the compliment.

By MadEyeJude

But I so need that vacation! LOL We go to Sardinia, diving, sun-bathing, reading and most of all relaxing :D

By MadEyeJude

thank you :) I will be gone tomorrow but I still have a few hours in the editor today :P I am working on the dragon for Evolvers create-off...

By Duhplantman

Enjoyed your videos...great job.

By Duhplantman

It is much smarter to be an adult first and then later holding on to that which makes us young in heart.

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