By Zaneas
08/08/2012 - 22:05:21
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 3.46 (Good)
Tags: city, civilization, dahnaat, set:dahnaat, tall, tower
A tall, impressive structure generally used as a seat of local governmental power in developed Dahnaat countries. Like most Dahnaat buildings the bulk of the structure is underground, but those holding higher seats of power are granted offices in the unsubmerged portion. Dahnaat government is structured rather differently than that of humans. Lower offices are generally held by two people simultaneously, as Dahnaata usually get nervous when forced to work alone. This trait is a result of their unusual body structure. Since Dahnaata lack arms, they were forced to work in pairs if they wanted to fashion tools and catch food for the majority of their prehistory. This social past has bread into Dahnaata an instinctual need to be with others of their species, as a Dahnaat desiring solitude would often be doomed to starvation. Solitary confinement is one of the worst psychological tortures that Dahnaata can conduct, and almost always drives the victim to insanity within a week. In this way, Dahnaat abhorrence to solitude greatly influences their style of governance. Governing is a group effort and not focused on gaining individual power, but instead focused on gaining power for the governing house. A single Dahnaat household will typically try to get a majority of its members into positions of local governmental power. Higher offices in charge of governing the whole nation, analogous to that of a president, are typically held by an entire house. Due to this system of household loyalty, feuds between Dahnaat families often go back for generations, and are known to be rekindled during elections.

By Stinkrfist
Very impressive, the detailing is wonderful.
By Salooverall
Whoa love this, marvelous colors and design O.o
By Monckat
Amazing shape and detailing, the choice of colors is awesome too!
By exxon
I love al the details and great description. Very creative!
By krcmar
Amazing work here, I like the spire design and inner section R