Stylex Flighter
Not rated
By Gearhead135
06/28/2012 - 05:52:32
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.11 (Not rated)
Tags: gearhead135, stylex once again
This ship is used for ground to space transport, it easily makes the transition from airplane to space shuttle. And yes, Ive missed you guys.
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By crzycreatr99
Cool design.
By Lee-Gon48
I just edited up a new look for my "Clash of the Media" tittle. Its one of the best things I'v ever made. Check it out if you can. (:
By Lee-Gon48
Beside the club being shut down, I made a Kopsa Template for everybody to edit.
By Lee-Gon48
Nobody else is however, besides trolls...