Not rated
By Jailee132
05/26/2012 - 02:01:17
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: steal this and die
My new mascot :3
Contact us at
By Jailee132
05/26/2012 - 02:01:17
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: steal this and die
My new mascot :3
By Razzimatazzi
By Razzimatazzi
By Razzimatazzi
Should I do it? I've never made a bloody creation before, and my parents could snoop around in my account any time they want...
By Razzimatazzi
And then after that, I'll make an RP where our fanponies (Amethyst, Platinum, CrescentMoon, maybe Crystal) investigate why ponies are disappearing every Tuesday evening, and why the disappearances all led back to Remedy's shack.
By Razzimatazzi
Remedy swears the red blotches all over her are splashes of spilled potion... OR ARE THEY????? >:3
By Razzimatazzi
Back to what I was saying. I'm thinking of an earth pony named Remedy who's the pharmacist, or "witch doctor", as she calls herself, of whatever the little town is called. (Sorry, I only watched 2 episodes. >wl)
By Razzimatazzi
That reminds me to tell you something. You can read Cupcakes if you want, but be warned -- If you don't like the idea of Pinkie Pie being a mass murderer, it's not for you.
By Razzimatazzi
You know what? I just got and idea for a fanpony. AN EVIL ONE!!! >:D (DUN DUN DUN!!!!!) Kinda like Pinkie Pie in the Cupcakes fanfic.