Male Template
Not rated

By MinaMongoose
04/28/2012 - 19:16:49

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: human, humanoid, male, minamongoose, template, template by minamongoose


[Rates/Comments (which can be done on spore.com) are strongly appreciated?more so than usual?for THESE two particular templates as I worked VERY hard on them. I am also INCREDIBLY happy with them. =)]

Leaves have been added to ?questionable? areas as to avoid offending those who are so inclined (?nudity? *cough* seems to be an issue on Spore...). Once you start editing the template, the leaves may be removed.

The animations are not perfect, but they aren?t insane either. In other words, the animations of both templates are, in my opinion, passable.

In any case...

_Male Template (Only mouth is asymmed)_

8/11 complexity segments used

_Female Template (Only mouth is asymmed)_

6/11 complexity segments used

_How to edit Templates (Do with them as you see fit, but here is a guide on how to edit specific parts of both templates so that they WON?T bug out)_

Breasts/Pecs, Shoulder Blades, Hips/Buttocks/Shoulders, Leg Muscles (if applicable), Arms/Thighs/Calves, Wrists/Ankles:

1. Simply increase or reduce size of the corresponding limbs as desired.

Weight/Muscularity of Torso (if applicable)/Body Shape:

1. Reduce the size of the limbs corresponding to the shoulder blades, breasts/pecs, hips/buttocks, knees, and leg muscles (if applicable) to their smallest size.

2. Increase or reduce the size of the three limbs corresponding to the waist as desired. However, it is good to keep in mind that the topmost limb corresponds to the ribcage, the middle limb corresponds to the middle torso, and the bottommost limb corresponds to the lower belly.

3. Readjust limbs from Step 1 to their desired size.

Size/Shape of Head/Face:

1. Reduce the size of the limbs corresponding to the shoulder blades, breasts/pecs, hips/buttocks, knees, and leg muscles (if applicable) to their smallest size.

2. Edit spinal segments within the head (the main Spore body was used as the head) to the desired shape and size. The two segments in the front will change the shape of the face more than the size of the cranium, while the backmost segment affects the size of the cranium the most. Small, subtle adjustments are recommended when changing the shape of the face or the size of the head.

3. Readjust limbs from Step 1 to their desired size.

Changing Hands/Feet:

1. Reduce the size of the limbs corresponding to the shoulder blades, breasts/pecs, hips/buttocks, knees, and leg muscles (if applicable) to their smallest size.

2. Change hands/feet to desired model.

3. (OPTIONAL) Resize hands/feet as desired.

4. Readjust limbs from Step 1 to their desired size.

Adding More Complexity (WITHOUT Freedom):

1. Simply asymm the neck; the rest of the body will also be asymmed (the mouth has already been asymmed). If most work is going to be done in the creature editor, I would recommend asymming ONLY when you run out of complexity when placing parts. If most work will be done in the outfitter, then place the parts you wish to place in the creature editor (if any), THEN asymm the body.

Adding/Removing Parts:

1. Simply add/remove parts as desired.

2. (OPTIONAL) The abs on the male template may be removed if desired.

Having Fun with These Templates:

1. Sorry! Can?t help you there! How you do THIS is all up to YOU!

_Male/Female Templates by MinaMongoose_


DNA points
52 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +3
4 %
32.16 %
12 / 20
4 / 20
4 / 15
1 / 52 / 50 / 5
4 / 50 / 50 / 5
4 / 52 / 54 / 5
3 / 50 / 5

By mtsloud

This is pretty cool! The pose could use some work, however...


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