Incoming Transmition Ravengers
Not rated

By UnShavenMonkey
04/01/2012 - 22:49:27

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: (most important) the crucibles array, now the objective is to distract the reapers in a battle, so the crucible can activate without the reapers trying to sabotage it!


Ravengers: Our fleet is ready to pass into the omniverse! but, we still have a moderete chance of sucseeding without us ALL dying, we plead for other races to join us so the reapers will get beat both ways: 1. Giant army of anighalation 2. (tags)


By Quinkan96

Drex: My deepest apologies, Scar, but our fleet's arrival has been postponed. It might not show up until tommorow. Again, a thousand apologies.

By Quinkan96

Drex: Expect it today.

By Quinkan96

No, not Vorgan ships. I just came up with them. I made those ships WAY back.

By Quinkan96

Drex: We're in.


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