Evil Doers pt 8

By Shocktoad
02/12/2012 - 03:37:38

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -3 (Bad)
Tags: bushy98, captconan, edrs, gralan, sherm, shocktoad


Gralan and I have reached a dimension simular to what the first portal took me...is there anyway to reach Cranza? The Darkions seem stronger here, is evil getting stronger every portal we travel through? Credit to captconan.



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By 10jakes

Come`on, what wrong with this adventure, people?

By Bushy98

Well, unless bearfane or eme12 downrated it, it was probobly downraters. But still, I had fun playing it.

By Bushy98

@Shocktoad: This adventure isn't to hard. I rated it up, so it's probobly downraters or something that rated it down, not players. Trust me, this is a good adventure.

By Shocktoad

When you play this, at least rate later?

By eme12


By Bushy98

Yay! Evil doers!

By bearfane

22 min ago are you thier or did you just creat and leeve cause if you commentint its not showing up

By bearfane

yay wanna chat if your on my sporepage is slow so if you have commented allready its actualy not showing up on spore.com

By bearfane


By Shocktoad

If anything is wrong or weird, tell me!

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