The OMG goes to,,,
Not rated

By Jonped99
01/29/2012 - 13:42:00

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)


Ritafeet and the face Hur-Durrr face, I was liek OMG and then liek Boom, and YAAAHOO and all of the sudden, YAAASH when I saw it (True story... NOT)


By Ritafeet

Well great! :D I hate it when my Spore crashes sometimes, but it takes about 10 minutes and its back to normal again XD

By Ritafeet

Thanks so much!! :D *smirk* Gnahahahaha......

By CmanCRazyCat

thank you!

By CmanCRazyCat

are you on?

By CmanCRazyCat


By CmanCRazyCat

darn....i didnt win nutin. I thought my trio and pirate were good....:'(


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